Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Making & baking

Good morning

Not often I blog during the daytime but I've a cake in the oven and I can't wander too far from it as its getting to the almost cooked stage. Another birthday tomorrow - big son. Cake gets made today and then decorated once he's gone to school tomorrow as I want the finished item to be a surprise. Lets just say it will be along the lines of my normal over decorated and colourful cakes! I've also a pile of pressies to wrap too - am hoping that he'll love the Toy Story paper I found yesterday.

Been finishing off more items for the craft fair this week but I found time to finish a felted purse for myself;

From knitted piece, to felted shape to purse :)

I've another piece of felting drying at the moment and started knitting another piece last night whilst watching mindless nonsense on the tv.

I've also been playing around with a collection of random cups & saucers that I've got - far cheaper than Liberty's - I've started making these again;

Teacup pincushions with Annie's lovely pins in them.

I treated myself earlier in the week to some lovely new fabric to make myself a new dress - so far I've got as far as washing it to preshrink it and then hanging it out to dry;

The 2p gives you an idea of how small the squares are - all those straight lines should make sewing nice and simple!!

As I was wandering around the house earlier opening windows, I thought I'd take some reality photos of my house - here's big sons room complete with floor 'storage' and the mess of a soon to be 15 year old male.

Who lives in a mess like this????

Study area complete with card collections and a radiator based Top Gear cool wall.

I need to have a hunt through old photos later to find something suitably embarrassing I can post on here or Facebook tomorrow - can't believe another year has gone past so quickly. As he informs us - only 2 years till he can learn to drive - have suggested he starts saving ;)

Finally before the timer goes ping, Monday went really well. The crematorium was packed with people from the many parts of FIL's life. We heard so many stories about him and laughed as well as cried.

See you tomorrow with some cake pics.

xxx Vicki xxx


Crafts @ Home said...

Love the felted purse, oh and the union jack rug, I hope your parcel arrives today!

liz said...

I love the felted purse and the teacup pincushion, so pretty!
Wow, thats a suprisingly tidy teenage boys room! Hope he has a great birthday and enjoys your yummy cake. I am looking forward to seeing all your makes in a couple of weeks, this month is already racing by isn't it!

bellaboo said...

Hope he has a great birthday.I'm sure he's going to love your cake!
That fabric will make a very nice looks quite 70's,which is coming back into fashion I hear. :0)

Vix said...

That fabric is beautiful and would make a fabulous dress or maxi skirt. I hope your big son has a wonderful birthday, don't forget to post a picture of the cake. xxx

Lisa said...

Ilove your new fabric, looking forward to seeing your completed new item of clothing.
So pleased Monday went well for you, or as well as it could do.
Lisa xx

♥ emma bear forever ♥ said...

Hope your son has a lovely birthday - can't wait to see the finished cake.

Your felted purse is lovely, I've not tried felting before might have to give it a go. Glad to hear that Monday went as well as it could xx

Anonymous said...

I love the felted purse, I really need to have a go at felting. That room looks immaculate compared to my daughters (she's 13).

Great idea for a pin cushion too.

Pleased that Monday went well :) x

Serenata said...

You call that untidy? LOL you should see my 19 and 14 year old boys rooms!

Jackie said...

Happy Birthday to your son for tomorrow! His room is pretty tidy I think - Miss S's room is a LOT worse - and she's only 9!!! Glad Monday went well. Love the teacup pin cushion xx

Kandi said...

Glad you all got through Monday. Hope the birthday goes well, we have two 16th Birthdays this month, cars were mentioned to me ~ I will have to buy a Matchbox car for them each and show them the jobs page in the local paper :)
Kandi x

Unknown said...


The Quick Red Fox said...

Love the teacup pin cushion! I have a few old teacups myself and keep meaning to plant a cactus in one but never get round to it...


Unknown said...

So pleased monday went well for you. I love your felt purse. Your sons bedroom is tidy compared to my boys they are such slobs doesnt help sharing a room i suppose....Boys ;-)) But we love them ;-)) Hope your son has a lovely birthday, dee x

Cybèle said...

Glad that the funeral wasn't too bad. The last one I attended, was a strange mixture of emotions - yes, tears and sadness, but also lots of stories about her and a celebration of her life.

That is one very tidy teenage boy's bedroom. I haven't even got (official) teenagers yet and older one's bedroom is much more untidy than that. Strange, considering how much she loves tidying up and how good she is at it!

...Nina Nixon... said...

Hi Vicki,

I love the new look blog and your header is beautiful.

Have wonderful birthday celebrations,

Nina x

Madison said...

I love the tea cup pincushion. It is far lovelier than the ones at Liberty.

two bones and a bagle said...

Hello just popped in to say hello. Untidy the bedroom NO NO NO if any one of my three daughter's bedrooms looked as tidy as that I would be delighted. Their rooms are truly horrendous and no matter how I nag, plead, cry (not really) they stay the same. I now just open the door a tiny bit and throw their belongings in. I have to take a deep breath and let is goooooooooooooooo. I cant wait till they have houses of their own and then I am going to mess them up LOTS. LOL.