Friday, 17 August 2018

One year of utter craziness & happiness

Hi :)

If I have done this right, this post should appear on Friday 17th August 2018 - one year after I married the most amazing man. We will be back in a field at the festival which we had most of our wedding at - we married in the gardens of the Hall next door.

I met S only a few months after I'd split with my ex. We hit it off straight away and and he soon was my morris dancing partner of choice. He was silly and made me smile. For many months we were just friends though the others in the side were already thinking it might be more.

It nearly wasn't - a proper date was arrange for the autumn - on a cold and wet Saturday - and we'd planned to head to Southwold!! Both of us were under the weather - he'd hurt his back and I was coming down with a chest infection!! Anyhow it wasn't a complete disaster and we still kept messaging. Another more successful few dates happened and it seemed to work. 

Fast forward to June 2016 and at the Medieval Fayre in Colchester Castle Park, S suggested a walk by the river and then handed me over a parcel. Inside was a box he'd decorated and inside that was a proposal and ring! I didn't see it easily as my eyes had clouded up with tears of joy.

Once I'd calmed down and said yes - we called both boys. Both were thrilled and very happy for us.

Fast forward through a year of planning and it was our wedding day. In the rose garden at Glemham Hall with a ceilidh reception on the FolkEast festival site. You really didn't think we'd be in traditional stuff did you ??

After all the nerves it was a perfect day - I was walked down the aisle by both boys and they handed me over to S with the words - 'she's all yours'!!

Here's us with the giants;

and then midway through the ceilidh - the giants changed completely - I'd just swapped my glittery shoes for my flowery Doc Marten boots!!

The boys camped the whole weekend - we had our own section of the field which was saved for family and friends. It meant everyone cooked for the boys - they never turn a meal down!!

I just need to show you one more thing - this hanging was made by friends & family and put together by a dear friend who co-ordinated the whole thing - its amazingly  gorgeous and we shall treasure it forever. It was the first thing that got put up when we moved to our little house;

Anyhow if this works - by the time you read this it will be midway through our anniversary day.

Both of us have been sneaking about sorting pressies and the festival have booked us a special treat - our fave band are headlining the main stage that night. So we shall be down the front - singing and dancing. Pretty sure there will be plenty of pictures of that weekend to follow too!!

See you soon - thanks for reading

xxx Vicki xxx

1 comment:

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