Monday 13 June 2011

Vintage Tea Parties and good deeds.

Good evening.

I guess most bloggers are like me - you get loads of requests to post about different products - often items I've never heard of or would never use. Normally my response is to delete the email or just ignore it.

The other day I received an email which had the title 'Vintage Tea Parties and good deeds' - intrigued I opened it and found that it came from Marie Curie Cancer Care. They wanted to tell me about their big fund raising event that is due to happen soon and asked if I was able to help in any way.

The event that is being planned is a vintage tea party -  you hold one and invite your friends. This idea appealed and I shall be asking my S&B friends if we can arrange something small scale for our group. I've also noticed posters around my town advertising a bigger event in a local cafe later this month. Events are being held all over the country between 12th June and 12th July.

What could be easier - tea & cakes;

 All pictures sourced via google images.

So if you are interested further then either visit the website - to find out more or just keep a look out for a teaparty near to you.

Thank you for reading.

xxx Vicki xxx


Claire said...

oh wow, ive never seen anything to do with this i will def check out the website!

Shortbread and Ginger said...

Thanks for letting us know about this - sounds like a great excuse to use the vintage bits and pieces and do something good in the process!

Penny said...

That's so wierd as I wasjus looking at the advert for this campaign in the latest Country Living Magazine last night thinkng should I plan something fabulous like this for a worthwhile cause, Hmmm may have to join you in planning one for my friends too xox What a pleaseure it would be and such an important charity xox

Catherine said...

Sounds like a lovely idea! Cx

Gem said...

It is a great idea, I was hoping to arrange one but not sure I am going to be able to now which is a shame as it sounds like good fun, maybe next year I can be a bit more prepared. Enjoy and best of luck xxx

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

What a great idea!

Victoria xx

Miss Magpie said...

Quick unrelated comment. Do you have a favourite colour or colours and a favourite animal? I think you can guess why I'm asking!