Tuesday 19 April 2011

Just having fun in the sun

Good afternoon

Isn't the weather fab? Perfect for the school hols - amazingly the bedroom hobbits have spent loads of time outside;

Testing a trampet for MrVV - little son also got to be the model for the eventual ebay listing!!

Big son is rather used to the full sized ones they use at school - this wasn't as much fun for him.

Busy doing nothing except - enjoying the sunshine, reading and listening to ipods.

He didn't notice when I snuck up on him later on ;)

Practising more diabolo skills - he's getting quite good -we  might even attempt to video him at some point.

Action shot with diabolo in mid-spin.

I had a lovely more yesterday with my school friend and her children. Her son hit it off straight away with little son and her daughter was pleased to find I had my 9 year old niece here. The 4 of them had a great time running about outside - playing hide & seek and a games which involved all our wooden sword collection!!  Lisa and I chattered for England - lots to catch up with after 20 years! You know someone is a good mate when even after that time there are no embarrassing pauses and you just feel like you are picking up from a conversation had yesterday.

The postie knocked this morning with a couple of parcels - one was a birthday swap parcel for Sophie which they'd really not left her enough time to collect - I shall try again and re-post it tomorrow. The other confused me (it doesn't take much). It was from Kandipandi - she won my recent giveaway (so I'd sent her a parcel but wasn't expecting one back) and had sent me one of her lovely thank you cards AND a pretty lavender heart too as a thank you;

Lastly for today, I ought to show you the result of my visit to 4 charity shops this morning - one pretty tea plate - where are all the pretty bargains at the moment????

Right time for half an hours deckchair sitting with a cuppa before I need to think about feeding these growing boys of mine again - trying to get some proper food into them before they consume their own body weights in chocolate over the weekend!! They came away from my Grandma's this morning with a huge tin of chocolates to share!!

xxx Vicki xxx


two bones and a bagle said...

Looks like you are all having a great time. The sun is out in south yorks too.

♥ emma bear forever ♥ said...

The sunny weather is lovely, so much nicer when the children can get outside. Brilliant pics x

Scarlett said...

The weather is amazing, glad you are all making the most of it. Oh lovely getting goodies in the post :o) The plate is very pretty too Scarlett x

Kandi said...

Bedroom Hobbits in the sunshine, it gladdens my heart, my hobbits even ventured out last weekend and made a camp in the garden :)
Lovely plate Vicki, I'm hoping all the pretty treasures are up here in the Northumberland charity shops and I can snaffle them all up over the Easter Hols.
Kandi x

Serenata said...

Gosh how did you get your hobbits out into the sunshine? Mine only came out to move three bags of shingle for me and then crept back inside again!

Hasn't the weather been simply wonderful.

I have that plate set, it is lovely isn't it.

Glad you and your friend had a great get together.

Viv Wild said...

The weather is great isn't it? Just hope this doesn't mean we get a horrid summer. Lovely action photos but I did find myself trying to peak into your conservatory - spotted the bunting but not much else......
Have a great Easter

Unknown said...

Bedroom Hobbits i love it ;-)) My boys are exactly the same although today we have spent it at the beach and yesterday they were outside playing with there friends this weather has been a real bonus ;-)) dee x

janis said...

Lovely pics of your handsome sons.
Today was rainy here. Such crazy weather back & forth!
what's diabolo?

Unknown said...

Great pics! The diablo looks fun! :) x

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

It does seem charity shops aren't offering the same fare they used too! Maybe there's too many bloggers on the hunt for stuff!

Have a great Easter,

Victoria xx

Pomona said...

I absolutely love the pretty plate - at least you did end up with a bargain, even if it was the only one, it was a good one!

Pomona x

Kelly said...

Looks like you are having a fab time in the garden! That's what we did today too xxx Wishing you a very Happy Easter xxx

Donna -Little Tiny Stitches said...

Have a lovely Happy Easter Vicki. x