Thursday 5 May 2011

I shall wear purple

Warning - When I Am an Old Woman I Shall Wear Purple

By Jenny Joseph

When I am an old woman, I shall wear purple
with a red hat that doesn't go, and doesn't suit me.
And I shall spend my pension on brandy and summer gloves
and satin candles, and say we've no money for butter.
I shall sit down on the pavement when I am tired
and gobble up samples in shops and press alarm bells
and run my stick along the public railings
and make up for the sobriety of my youth.
I shall go out in my slippers in the rain
and pick the flowers in other people's gardens
and learn to spit.

You can wear terrible shirts and grow more fat
and eat three pounds of sausages at a go
or only bread and pickles for a week
and hoard pens and pencils and beer nuts and things in boxes.

But now we must have clothes that keep us dry
and pay our rent and not swear in the street
and set a good example for the children.
We must have friends to dinner and read the papers.
But maybe I ought to practice a little now?
So people who know me are not too shocked and surprised
When suddenly I am old, and start to wear purple.

But for now - I'll settle for my new purple shoes - am so in love with these and they are attracting attention whenever they go. An utter bargain - just £13 from the little shop in town and they are leather lined and oh so comfy;

Another sunny day here - another trip into town - mainly to do boring things like banking, post and a big shop. Of course its rude not to support local business, so I had to pop into my favourite little charity shop - more cups & saucers. Got quite a collection now - when they are all done, I shall do a massed group photo. Here's today's pair;

I know I'm not the only blogger to have bought this magazine today - I'd planned to treat myself to a mag and when I spotted this one on the shelf I couldn't leave it there. The bag is great - perfect for stuffing into my handbag - ideal for all CS bargains and car boot treats!

This afternoon I've been busy making for the fair later this month - cutting out loads of fabric circles to turn into brooches & hairslides. I've also got a pile of pattern pieces to cut out for a batch of Rainbow Raggies too. In case anyone is local, here's the details - Southwold St Edmunds Hall - Saturday 28th, Sunday 29th & Monday 30th May - 10am till 5pm - I shall be there on the Sunday and I know a friend has a stall there on the Monday;

Right a quick wander around blogland is in order and then back to cutting and stitching. Would have started earlier but our dishwasher chose tonight (when it was stuffed full) to decide not to work, so big son & I did it all by hand - not fun.

See you soon

xxx Vicki xxx


topchelseagirl said...

Purple is my favourite colour for shoes!

Crafts @ Home said...

Love purple, I wear it all the time :( What lovely finds you had today, I wish Southwold wasn't quite so far away, I would pop in otherwise. Is it still possible to wash everything by hand when you've had a dishwasher? you poor thing :(
Sue Xx

♥ emma bear forever ♥ said...

Purple shoes....fantastic. Are they a one off end of line type of shoe? Or are there more so that we might all rush to suffolk and grab a pair? Very jealous as they are stunning and look fab with your ankle bracelet. Im hoping to get to Southwold for the fair just not sure which day x

Unknown said...

I shall jollywell join you!!! The fair sounds fab - love the punky flyer!

Magic Bean said...

Many Brownie points to Big Son. W up not fun. Unless you are someone else's house when it seems like 'playing house'.
Might have to go mag buying tomorrow. Love that CK print. Ax

Jemima said...

Gorgeous shoes - I love that poem, one of my favs. Love the tea cups too. I have got a bag like that, I purchased the fabric from John Lewis and made it myself :)very handy for having in the handbag instead of carriers. x

Pene said...

You know as soon as I read that poem I thought of Annie lol. I am so jealous I love love love those shoes, and a real bargain. If I didn't live so far away I would nip over and buy a pair.
See we had a close escape on the button swap!! It was nearly third time on the trot.
Happy sunny day (although it has been raining here today but tomorrow sun?)
Pene x

bellaboo said...

Love the shoes...and I hope I'm not too late to get one of those bags! :0)

Viv Wild said...

Wow - love the shoes. I want a pair....
The strange coincidence is that I'm sitting here in a purple fleece as I'm so cold - doesn't quite go with the red t-shirt but who cares.

Will try to get to Southwold on the Sunday but can't promise as I'm unsure what our plans are

Claire said...

love that poem :) must find that magazine!

harmony and rosie said...

Loving those shoes. Best of luck for the weekend x

liz said...

Love the poem! I know I shall make a terrible pensioner! I am also loving those shoes, and what a bargain!!! The sun has shined here too, but that wind is jolly cold. The fair sounds fab. I am in Norfolk on the Sunday, but will try and make one of the other days. Our rainbow raggies are played with daily here, a firm favourite with everyone!

Anonymous said...

Eeeek broken dishwasher!!! I hate when that happens.
Love love love those lush shoes.
Em xxxxx

Pretty at Heart said...

Lovin the shoes!

Oooh thanks for the post on Easy Living mag! I often buy it - but only when somebody has blogged about what great giveaway it has that month!

Off to the shops me thinks!!

Lisa said...

You always find the best shoes!
Have a great weekend.
Lisa x

Josie-Mary said...

Lovely shoes. Thanks for sharing the new CK bag, I didn't know about that :)

Unknown said...

aawww that little poem brought a tear to my eye i don't know why something about life the and circle of it i feel. Great shoes i love purple. have a lovely weekend, dee x

lemonade kitty said...

Love the colour of those shoes, you must feel a million dollars in them!! I was oooing and arrring over the bag yesterday as I have loads of "shoppers" but now you've convinced me, thanks Lucey xx

two bones and a bagle said...

Love your post and shoes and bag. Great poem have read it before but had never heard of it until I commented on a colleagues outfit at a party. She replied 'it's my Wearing Purple outfit' when I read the poem I understood.

**Anne** said...

I want your shoes. :) They are just gorgeous. Happy crafting.
Anne xx

FairlyGirly said...

Had to laugh as I sit here in my purple top! Have some fab purple shoes too, always love wearing them, yours are great.

Sarah said...

Purple's a great colour. Snap with the mag and choice of bag! Enjoy the weekend!

Scented Sweetpeas said...

Love those shoes!

A Thrifty Mrs said...

Loving those shoes. Great colour.

Becci bunny said...

i think i need to buy more shoes, i never get fun colours though. i always stop to think about what outfits the shoes would match and then end up talking myself out of buying them. This weekend for my birthday im going to buy myself some purple shoes!

Louise said...

I want your shoes! Purple is a favourite for me, one I always go for - what a great price for such fab shoes!

The Fairy Glade said...

Fab shoes and a fab price. A girl can never, ever have too many pairs in my opinion. Managed to grab one of those cute bags too..brilliant for carrying my lunch to work. Have a great weekend we have a heatwave forecast apparently. Dev x

Kath said...

Lovin those shoes! I have to confess to having pink Doctor Martens but not purple :-D (yet)

Shortbread and Ginger said...

Great shoes and I love the teacups too! Really eye-catching poster - someone put a lot of work into that!

Unknown said...

The purple shoes are gorgeous! No wonder they are attracting attention! The tea cups and bag are lovely too! :) x

Tina said...

Your shoes are just gorgeous! I love purple too. :)

A garden just outside Venice said...

wonderful teacups!

JuicyFig said...

brilliant poem - and I LOVE the purple shoes!


Vix said...

Brilliant soesa nd gorgeous anklet, too! That poem always makes me happy. xxx

Annaboo's House said...

Hi there! I found your blog via Elaine at Northern Hi-lights and am loving having a rummage through your stuff!!
I too have purple shoes and love them. I too purchased that mag to get the lovely cath kidston freebie! I also recall that poem from days gone by and think it's brill.
Thank you for such a lovely read - I shall enjoy finding out about your antics!

Victoria - Florence and Mary said...

I always say when I'm old I'm going to wear hats every day and carry an elegant walking stick!!!!

Hope you've had a great weekend,

Victoria xx

Scarlett said...

Love that poem when i worked in Lush we used to have a group of the red hat /purple wear ladies come in, they were the craziest and most fun bunch of women. Scarlett x