Monday 24 January 2011

Up the apples & pears

Good evening

Well that's day one of the week almost over - blink and it will be the weekend again!!

Today was good - another physio appointment in Aldeburgh. I caught the bus and as I'd time to spare I thought I'd get off in town and have a look around - distinct lack of bargains in their one & one charity shop. Never mind it was good to look around. So off I headed to the little cottage hospital - up the town steps;

Pausing half way up to take a picture.

View from the top over the houses and out to sea

When the boys were small they used to count the steps as they climbed - they never could agree how many there were - and I forgot to count today!!

Good news - there is an improvement in my ankle and even better news I've got to go back in 3 weeks time.

Rewind to the weekend and in particularly Saturday. I had to go into town with little son as he needed a haircut - for someone with long hair he has lot of these. Afterwards we decided to pop in and see my sister in the charity shop so he could say thank you for his birthday pressie. Whilst in there just for a look we found;

3 more Ladybird books for my collection

A skirt for me - just what I wanted - I'd been eyeing up ones in Fat Face & White Stuff but this Monsoon one was far far cheaper and a perfect fit.

For my birthday last year I was given a dolls house - I've just started to collect things to go in there - this ex-display bathroom was a bargain - initially £10 it had been reduced to a fiver & by Saturday it was just £2.50!

A dresser for the dolls house too - I have the perfect tiny tea set to go on there once the rooms are decorated.

Little son also managed to find 3 James Bond books - I think we were the best customers of the morning!!

Over the weekend I finished my felted purse - rather pleased with this. I've ordered some more yarn in different colourways as I think I might like one for myself too;

I couldn't decide how to sew the sides up - I opted for one row of blanket stitch in a single colour with another over the top in 4 different colours to match. I put the zip in before I stitched the sides up - this definitely was a good idea - though this was quite an easy zip to battle with.

Peace and quiet here today (almost) little son & MrVV are at band practise and big son is battling monsters in cyber space. I think I shall take myself off to the front room, find some mindless tv as a background noise and start something else for my stall.

See you soon

xxx Vicki xxx


Unknown said...

What a beautiful place - it reminds me of Whitby! You did do well in on your shop!

Jenny said...

It does look like a lovely place, i love the little blue painted fences and front doors, so sweet! You also had a great haul from the charity shop, lucky you! jenny x

♥ emma bear forever ♥ said...

I love all those blue doors and railings. Well done on your CS finds especially those Ladybird books :) The felted purse came out very well ~ the button detail was a great idea xx

VildesVerden said...

That town looks so cute!

Lisa said...

Great news about your ankle.
Always good to find a few CS bargains.
Lisa x

Donna -Little Tiny Stitches said...

What a lovely view/visit (not the physio!) :0)
Like the bargains.
I was thinking about getting a dolls house, but aren't they expensive!!
Maybe I'll take over one of the girls abandoned ones ..they never play with them, but you can bet your bottom dollar, the minute I ask to play with it, they'll be their favourite toy LOL.

Love the way the purse turned out with the felting :0)
have a great week. x

Unknown said...

So glad to hear your ankle is getting better thats a relief for you ;-)) Looks like a lovely little town. Ladybird books are great i read 2 with my son this afternoon as he was home in bed. I love your purse is that all knitted? great colours. Enjoy the rest of your week, dee x

Unknown said...

Lovely Aldburgh pictures and what super charity shop finds.

Northern Hi-Lights said...

oooh I collect ladybird books too and also scored 2 new ones for my collection on Saturday, mind u I only ever seem to find obsure non-fiction ones - 'Great composers' and 'how a camera works' this time - mint condition though and only 10p each !!

maryannlucy said...

I could have bought a lot of LB books on Saturday but they were £2 each, so I left them. What a beautiful place to have to go to physio, I so want to go there, it looks idyllic. Thanks for taking the time to take piccies, that was very good of you, and what CS finds - sure beats my cat and chook bowls - lol x

Vix said...

What a sweet town! It's beautiful. Love that skirt and your felted purse is fab. xxx

Anonymous said...

What a lovely looking little town and a sea view too!!!
You're a runner up in my giveaway so email me your address please and I'll post the goodies out to you ASAP.
Em xxxxx

Coco Rose Diaries said...

Wow, what a beautiful place! I would have just sat on the steps for ever and soaked it all up!

Sometimes you get a good little run on the charity shops. That day was definitely YOUR day Vicki!!!!!

Happy Tuesday!

Vanessa xxxxxxxxxx

lemonade kitty said...

I would look forward to going to the hospital if I had such a beautiful walk as that, what lovely houses, love the skirt, Lucey xx

bellaboo said...

Glad your ankle is improving.That is a very pretty town,just the sort of place we like to visit.
How lovely to have a doll's house..I think if I had one,I would revert to my childhood and spend all day playing with it!
Have you seen Wee Cute treasures blog? She has been making a doll's house from scratch,and all the furniture is amazing! :0)

Jackie said...

Glad your ankle is a little better. Lovely finds - loving the dolls house furniture - will look forward to seeing them in it! x

Unknown said...

HI, thanks for those tips... great idea about the flyer wagon... boys would love that. Ear defenders sound like the way to go.. but unsure if the boys would wear them. Might come back to you in a couple of months, if that's okay. x

Dawn said...

Purse looks good. You might find it easier to sew it up before you felt it if you make another.

Linda said...

Used to work at Barclays in Aldeburgh in my early 20's, a cold, easterly wind off the sea would mean no customers !!! My affection has grown for the place - can't beat fish and chips sitting on the front or harbour wall x

Serenata said...

Gorgeous photos and so glad to hear your ankle is healing. Wonderful dolls house furniture. One day...

Anonymous said...

Where do I start......I love Ladybird books too and what brilliant finds and that purse is so cool. I'd like to have a go at felting but don't know where to start, I guess I have to get another book from Amazon :) x

Sheila said...

Thats great news that you're on the mend.
Your little town looks so beautiful!

Pink Milk said...

Just love those steps and that view! They're so picture book pretty.

Am feeling the stirrings of a charity shop sesh brewing!

The thread colours in your blanket stitch are perfect, what a clever idea.


Unknown said...

Glad your ankle is getting better and what a pretty little town! Well done on your charity shop finds, I need to go visit my local CS again I think!
The little purse is gorgeous! :) x

kim said...

Hi Vicki,

Such a pretty little felted purse, felting is something I've never tried, but it looks fun......fantastic find all that dolls house furniture.

Because of problems with someone who reads my blog I've had to change my url address.

Hope you still visit,
florrie x